So, we’re living through a pandemic. And when you’re living through a pandemic it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the frequent changes, updates and the general unknown. Personally, I feel all over the map and its tough. But at the same time, that is just reality right now. There are going to be a lot of changes over the coming weeks and we’ll simply have to move through it. And I’m confident that we will. But in the meantime, it’s important that we focus on staying safe which means staying healthy.
Right now, most of us are either practicing social distancing or are already self-isolated. It is super easy to fall into the habit of lazing around the house, watching Netflix, and eating food. This is a natural pattern for people to want to fall into especially when they’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
However, it is during this time that we should take the opportunity to focus on our health. Not only is it important to our long-term health but being in your best health helps your body fight off colds, flus, and viruses. Which is super important right now. And if you’re over here wondering if it’s too late to get healthy, let me tell you that it is never too late.
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Why Staying Healthy Is Important
You wouldn’t think I’d have to write about why staying healthy is important but sadly, I do. Too many people think the COVID-19 virus is just like the common flu. And while it shares similar symptoms, it has a hospitalization rate of 19% vs the 2% cases of flu that require a hospital. It is also much more deadly for the elderly, people with compromised immune systems, and those similar. Therefore, it is important for healthy people to stay healthy to avoid infecting those who are vulnerable.
Not In The Best Of Health?
If you’re not in the best of health right now, that’s okay because it’s never too late to get started. There are lots of tiny steps that you can immediately take that will have a positive effect on your health. And what is important is that you take steps today toward better health instead of waiting for “someday”.
Ways To Stay Healthy During A Pandemic
Follow The Advice Of Your Government
It feels important to say first that the most important thing you can do to keep yourself and others healthy during a pandemic is to listen to the advice of your government. If your government is telling you to social distance, quarantine, self-isolate, etc then please listen! Remember that your government is acting in the best interest of everyone, and is concerned about the well-being of all citizens. Helping them out by following guidelines helps everyone.
Avoid Emotional Eating
It takes something like a pandemic to turn everyone into an emotional eater. These are stressful and uncertain times and its natural to want to turn to food for comfort. But food is a false sense of security. In the end, binge eating will result in more negative feelings which no one needs.
However, I’m also guilty of stocking up on some unhealthy snacks. If, like me, you stocked up on some comfort food for the harder days of isolation, do your best to leave them alone for as long as you can. When you do dip into your snacks, focus on eating no more than a serving size and leave the rest for another day. And this is a great will power exercise that will continue to benefit you.
Need help addressing your emotional eating? Check out my post on emotional eating and sign up for my newsletter to receive a free emotional eating journal template with 25 journalling questions.
Get Fresh Air
Even though we’re isolated in our homes, for the most part, it’s important to still get outside each day for a few minutes. You don’t have to run around or go anywhere, but take a few minutes to breathe in some fresh air. Fresh air helps your immune system by supplying healthier white blood cells. And white blood cells are what helps to fight off illness and disease.
Not only that, but fresh air is good for your mental health. A little fresh air will help to clear your head and relieve a little stress.
Develop An Indoor Fitness Routine
There really is no wrong time for getting fit. But being stuck at home is an excellent opportunity to get in the best shape of your life. I’m serious! With home fitness programs you can get in incredible shape without a ton of room or equipment. You can check out my Instagram to see my home fitness results!
I’ve written a few blog posts about some of my favorite home fitness programs, you can check them out and see what might work for you!
Focus On Nutrition
Focus on eating well. If you’re not comfortable making frequent runs to the grocery store, buy frozen or canned vegetables and fruit. Frozen fruit and vegetables especially are a great way to make sure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need to remain healthy. If you are buying canned fruit and vegetables, make sure you are buying vegetables without added salt and fruit that is packed in water not juice.
Increasing your legumes intake is a great way to increase your protein and fiber. Not sure how to increase legumes? Swapping lentils instead of beef is a great place to start. Eating at home is a great opportunity to watch your salt and sugar intake and make healthier choices overall. By focusing on your nutrition, increasing vitamins and nutrients, and lowering salt and sugar, you are helping yourself and your family be as healthy as possible.
Do Your Best
These are unprecedented times. So it’s natural to be uncertain and stressed. Don’t worry about being perfect, you don’t have to come out of the pandemic fit and 25 pounds lighter. Just focus on doing your best and staying healthy. What’s important is that you do your best not to get sick or to spread germs to others around you. You can do it!
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