Transforming My Life: 10 Powerful Habits That Helped Me Shed 100 Pounds and Embrace Health A huge weight loss journey is an epic commitment to yourself—especially when it means losing well over 100 pounds. There are a lot of myths out there, but trust me, there are no shortcuts or magic fixes for significant weight loss. Big weight loss takes dedication to yourself, perseverance, deep self-reflection, and a change of lifestyle habits. To be honest, for the longest time, I doubted my own strength and value, and had myself trapped in a belief that a healthy lifestyle and weight loss was out of reach for someone “like me.” But along the way, I learned a lot about myself and slowly but surely started changing my story, leaning into true self-love and seriously stepping up my game. This kind of weight loss journey is about so much more than just dropping pounds—it’s about living a life you might not have thought was possible. One day everything changed… One day it just clicked for me: I deserved to chase and reach my dreams no matter how far away they seemed. I realized that to really turn my life around, I needed to […]
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Motivational quotes to inspire your health journey: Who doesn’t love motivational quotes?? Imagine those days when you feel like you’ve hit a wall, your energy is drained, and your motivation is at an all-time low. It’s in those kind of moments that the right words can shift your mindset from “I can’t” to “I will.” We all have those moments—whether it’s struggling to start a workout routine after a short break or pushing through a routine that feels tougher than usual. It’s during times like these that a burst of motivation can make all the difference! That’s why I’ve created a collection of powerful motivational quotes, each designed to remind you of your goals and boost your enthusiasm. From encouraging perseverance to deepening your self-belief, these quotes are all about what it means to be dedicated and driven. Place them where they are most visible—on your fridge, beside your mirror, or as a wallpaper on your phone or computer! I love these quotes! They’re my go-to when I need a reminder of why I started my journey in the first place. Share The Inspiration If you love sharing inspiration or decorating your space with positive vibes, these motivational quotes are […]
Weight loss is hard work and having to deal with a plateau can make the process even more frustrating. Tell me if you’ve been here: You’ve been exercising, eating healthy, even losing several pounds but all of a sudden things come to a grinding halt! All of a sudden you’re no longer losing weight! The things that were working before simply aren’t working anymore. You feel discouraged and ready to quit. That my friend is the dreaded plateau. A plateau is a state of little or no change. And when it comes to weight loss, a few things could be more frustrating to deal with. Personally, I have dealt with my fair share of plateaus over the years. But eventually, I figured out how to move past them and now, how to avoid them altogether. Have you been losing weight but have hit a plateau? Here are my 5 proven tips to help you get back on track. How To Move Past A Plateau The reason most people plateau is because their metabolism has started to slow down. You might be like, what? Slow down even though I’m doing everything right? Unfortunately yes. This is a natural response to your […]
Post contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. I love love LOVE self-care. I am so happy it’s a thing so I don’t have to feel guilty about spending extra time on myself. Not that anyone should ever feel guilty about spending time on themselves but you know what I mean. There are three types of self-care; emotional, spiritual and physical self-care. And while all three forms of self-care have a relationship to one another but I’m going to spend time talking about physical care. Simply because talking about all three is way too much information for one post. It’s easy to fall into the thinking that self-care is extravagant or a luxury. And it can be! But self-care is so much more than an expensive day at the spa. Self-care means different things for different people so keep in mind that this list of self-care is simply what works for me. I know I could add so much more but then this post would go on forever! But please, do share with me you favorite physical self-care practices in the comments for me to try. Why Is Self-Care Important First, let’s talk about why self-care […]
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is “how do I stay motivated?”. Everyone always wants to know the secret to staying motivated on a weight loss journey. Motivation is a funny thing. It’s something that we can easily have an infinite amount of or none at all. And it’s all up to the individual! Motivation is the force that drives a person to repeat a behavior. And it is generally considered to be one of the most important factors that drive change within an individual. So basically, it’s pretty important. I totally understand losing motivation while on a weight loss journey. While I may have it figured out now, it still took me over 25 years and lots of attempts before I really grasped how motivation works. And whether you have 5 pounds to lose or over a hundred, figuring out motivation is hard. But there are a few tips and tricks that make a big difference in staying motivated. And I’m sharing those with you below! This post contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. Tips For Staying Motivated On Your Weight Loss Journey Know Your Why: Knowing your true reasons for […]
This post contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. Working out after any length of time can be really challenging. That first workout after a break, whether it be because of illness or injury, takes a certain level of planning. Personally, I just got over a really bad case of the flu. It was so bad that I ended up taking 5 days off from working out. Which for me is a huge amount of time. But it was totally necessary. If you’re not careful a cold, flu, injury, or even just life getting in the way can mean falling off the fitness wagon entirely. And most people will agree that the longer you go between workouts, the harder it is to get started again. The more days there are without exercise the more likely it is that motivation will start to fall by the wayside. The best way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to be proactive. Read my tips to get back to your ass-kicking, workout slaying self! Remember Why You Started It can be so easy to fall into a lazy routine with no activity. A body at rest wants to stay […]
Post contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. So let me preface this whole post by saying that absolutely nothing happens overnight. Losing over a hundred pounds took a couple of years and a tremendous amount of effort. But if there is one thing I know for sure, it is that big weight loss is 100% achievable. Something else I know? Keeping the weight off is absolutely achievable too. Obesity is a big problem across North America. Recent studies show that a shocking 69% or 2 in 3 people in North America are overweight or obese. It affects people across all races, religions, and economic class. Worldwide, it is estimated that roughly 500 million adults are obese and by 2030 it is estimated this number will rise to 1 billion. I don’t know about you, but I find these numbers scary. I also know that at one point I just stopped wanting to be a part of the problem. At the time when I started my weight loss journey, I had twin babies who were starting to eat solid foods and all I could think was that I didn’t want them to end up like me. […]
Contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. Honestly, part of me barely knows where to begin with this post! There are so many aspects of a large weight-loss journey that have been surprise. Or at least, many things I hadn’t previously thought about. At the beginning of my journey I was like most people with a large amount of weight to lose. All I could focus on was the scale and numbers. When I started my journey I was 249 lbs, a new twin-mom, and was overwhelmed by life. While I had been overweight all my life, I had never before been this overweight. I was in a really low place. I was so close to tipping the scales over to 250 lbs and for me, I knew that if that happened, I would fall down a hole that I might never be able to get out of. So that was the first day that I pushed play on a fitness program. And from there, I never looked back. It was about putting one foot in front of the other. Numbers, Numbers, Numbers When I started my weight loss journey, it was all about the numbers. […]
This post contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. How many times have you tried joining a gym or sticking to a diet or healthy eating? If you’re like many people around the world, the answer is probably countless times. For over 20 years I was the same way! For the longest time, I couldn’t make anything work. I struggled with being accountable to myself. And turns out, that was where I was wrong. I didn’t need to be accountable to myself, I had to be accountable to another person. And that’s where an accountability partner comes in. One of the biggest mistakes a person can make on their health and fitness journey is to not have an accountability partner. There is this popular fitness quote that I always see floating around that goes: Set goals. Stay quiet about them. Smash the sh*t out of them. Clap for yourself. Repeat. And the quote always drives me crazy because it’s the worst advice ever! Stay quiet about your goals!? How in the world is someone supposed to get the support that they need if they don’t talk about their goals? How an Accountability Partner Works While an […]
This post contains affiliate links. See Disclosure for details. Opinions are my own. Disclaimer: Intermittent Fasting is controversial, although a proven healthy diet. Before starting any diet change, always consult your health care provider. Intermittent fasting is a huge trend right now. People of all different health and fitness levels have found success with this style of eating. Whether people are looking to lose weight, maintain a weight loss, or improve their relationship with food, intermittent fasting is there to help. There are so many benefits to fasted eating. Not only are there numerous health benefits but many people have found it helps with time and money as well. This because they are eating more consciously. Fasting is far from starvation. Starvation is involuntary whereas fasting is all about control. Fasting is a practice that has been around for hundreds of years. In fact, many religions have periods of fasting for spiritual purposes. So in that way, intermittent fasting is nothing new or special. When you think about it, people fast every day during that lovely period we call sleep. And “break” their “fast” with breakfast. See what I did there? And that isn’t a coincidence. The English language simply […]