Now, I’ve called this post, 8 Insanely Easy Weight Loss Tips When You’ve Tried Everything Else, but that’s not to say that weight loss is a completely easy task. And it’s not a quick task either. Regardless of how you choose to lose weight, it’s going to be a journey. So while I can’t deliver tips that will have you dropping 10 pounds in a week, I am here to give you super easy tips that will help aid in real, meaningful weight loss. But remember, at the end of the day, it’s up to you to implement the tips and make them work for you.
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If you’re new to my blog, you may not know that over the past few years I’ve naturally lost over 100 pounds (check out my Instagram for before and afters). And I did that without any crazy diets, pills, shakes or surgeries. What I did do was a ton of tiny steps that all led up to huge results. I had patience, I respected my body and I never quit. And I think those three things; patience, respect, and endurance, are what is needed most for a weight loss journey to be successful.
None of my tips are ground-breaking or earth-shattering but when done together they will absolutely have you losing weight and keeping it off. Trust me, I speak from experience!
Drink a daily protein shake for breakfast.
One of the first things I did when I started to really try to lose weight was to replace one meal with a protein shake. The easiest meal to replace, for me anyway, was breakfast. It was super easy to wake up in the morning, throw some protein into a shaker cup or blender with some fruit and be on my way.
Of course, it matters what type of protein you’re consuming. Cheap protein will do little for you and it tastes terrible. Personally, I’ve been drinking Shakeology for over a year and it helps to fill my stomach, supply my body with healthy nutrients, vitamins, and protein, plus it curbs cravings which reduces my sugar intake. If you’re looking for a high-quality protein, Shakeology is the way to go.
Many people consume way to many of their daily calories at breakfast time. Consuming a protein shake at breakfast is a great way to take control of your calorie intake.
Make half your plate veggies.
Another super easy weight loss tip that you can implement right away is to make half of your plate vegetables. Vegetables will fill up your stomach and many of them are considered zero calorie foods in that your body will naturally burn them off. When you fill your plate with more of the good stuff there is less room for the foods that are high in fat and calories.
Other bonuses of eating more vegetables?
- dietary fiber
- reduced risk of chronic diseases
- increased heart health
- strong bones
Aim for 10,000 steps a day.
Adding more steps to your day is an easy way to burn more calories each week. 10,000 steps each day burns between 2000-3500 extra calories a week. And one pound of fat roughly equals 3500 calories so ideally, you can easily lose a pound a week just by walking more each day.
Easy ways to get in extra steps are:
- parking far away from entrances
- taking the stairs
- take a moving break at work
- take a short walk after dinner
- walk a portion of your commute
- walk a dog
- clean your house
Take advantage of the stairs.
In my old home, we had two huge flights of stairs. I was constantly going up and down, up and down all day long. And eventually, I realized that I could be turning all those stairs into mini workouts. I started taking the stairs two at a time, or I would squat every third step. Basically, anything to burn extra calories every time I took the stairs.
I also started taking the stairs instead of taking escalators or elevators. And it was crazy how quickly regularly doing stairs improved my health. Studies back me up and show that regular use of the stairs lowers your resting heart rate, lowers risk of heart disease and even improves balance. Not only that but studies also show that climbing just 10 steps is equivalent to 38 steps on the ground. How cool is that?
Carry water with you everywhere.
Significantly upping your water intake will help you to lose weight. This is because it has been shown that drinking water increases your metabolism and can act as an appetite suppressant. Some studies have even found that increasing water intake and doing nothing else will still result in some weight loss.
Overall, increasing how much water you drink will only benefit your body. It is a simple and easy way to automatically improve your health. Get used to carrying a water bottle around with you and use it as your primary beverage throughout the day.
If you’re not used to drinking from a water bottle, set yourself phone alarms to remind yourself when to sip. This will help you to develop the habit of regularly drinking from your water bottle.
Limit alcohol intake.
One of the easiest ways to cut out unnecessary calories from your diet is to reduce your alcohol intake. Taking out even two drinks a week will save you between 200-300 calories. And that’s assuming you’re pouring no more than 5 fl oz. If limiting alcohol seems difficult, start by measuring your intake so that you can see exactly how many calories you’re consuming.
Eat fruit first.
When you get hungry outside of your mealtime, eat a piece of fruit first. Instead of automatically reaching for something sugary or overly processed, reach for a piece of fruit. My rule of thumb is, if you’re not hungry enough to eat some fruit then you’re not really hungry. If you’re hungry, you’ll consume the fruit and then go from there. If you’re not willing to eat the fruit then you need to recognize that you want to self soothe not satisfy hunger.
Forcing yourself to go to fruit first is an easy way to determine whether you want to eat emotionally or if you’re truly hungry. And if you’re dealing with emotional eating then you need to read this post.
Have an accountability partner.
Having an accountability partner is one of the easiest ways to hold yourself accountable to your weight loss goals. An accountability partner is someone who will call you out on your bullsh*t if you start to veer away from the commitments you’ve made to yourself. This person can be a personal trainer, a spouse, friend, online challenge group, sibling or even someone you work with. As long as it’s someone who will feel comfortable calling you out if it’s needed. You can check out more about what goes into choosing an accountability partner here.
All these are easy weight loss tips that you can start implementing right away. While you can choose to try only one or two, I recommend trying them all so as to maximize your success. Really, these tips work best when done together.
Let me know if you give them a try and what worked best for you in the comments!
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