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Are you sitting there thinking that working out sucks? You’re not completely wrong, nor are you alone in your thinking. If I’m being perfectly honest, I have a very strong love/hate relationship with fitness.
As much as I love the rewards of the fit life, working out 4-5 times a week can still be hard. Because no matter how great the benefits of a workout are, it can still suck to do. Countless times I have found myself 5 minutes into a home workout and have been like, “this trainer is trying to kill me”.
Maybe a little dramatic but that is how it feels.
Thankfully, over the past year, I’ve learned several hacks that make home workouts easier or at very the least more bearable. I still might not love my workout while I’m doing it but I know I’m doing everything I can to make sure I have success and get the workout done.

How To Make Home Workouts Easier
If you have hacks to make your workouts easier, more enjoyable or less painful then you are more likely to keep up a fitness regime. But remember, these are hacks that work for me and may not necessarily work for everyone. But may as well give them a shot right?
Have a defined workout space.
Having a defined workout space in my home plays a huge role in my willingness to workout at home. Until recently, I had an extra person living in my house and space in my home had become very limited. When I exercised I either had to cram myself into a small space in my living room or go to the gym. I prefer to workout at home and doing so during that time always felt slightly uncomfortable because of the space issues. Since getting my full home back, I now have a defined workout space in my basement. It’s nothing fancy, literally, right now it is an open space with my mat, weights, and a large mirror. But it’s my space. And I’m able to focus and feel comfortable working out.
You don’t need a ton of room to have a defined workout space. But you do need to be able to move a couple of feet in all directions. What is important is to have the area feel like your private gym while you’re exercising. It can go back to being an office, bedroom or living room when you’re done. But your workout will feel so much easier if you’re comfortable in the space you’re in.
Use a workout or yoga mat.
Personally, I feel that using an exercise or yoga mat to cushion your body during a workout is important. Especially if you are doing high aerobic exercises or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which tend to be harder on the body’s joints. Mats support the arms and wrists during exercises like push-ups and burpees, it supports the back and hips while doing ab exercises, and cushions your feet and protects your knees while on your feet. Exercise and yoga mats can also prevent you from slipping on the floor which is easy to do with sweat flying around. Supporting your joints while exercising will make your home workouts easier and more comfortable.
Wear a good pair of training shoes.
Wearing the right shoes will working out is very important. For the longest time, I thought that a shoe was a shoe so long as it fits. But turns out that is not true at all. When I first started doing my home workouts I was still using my running shoes from my race training. I soon realized that I wasn’t getting the right support for the movements I was doing. Not only that, but it is much harder to do agility training or any fast side-to-side movements with shoes with treads on the bottom.
I recommend being fitted for a proper pair of training shoes. The difference it makes in your feet and knees is unbelievable. Home workouts will feel much easier if you are wearing the right foot gear.
Stretch before and after your workout.
I used to be really bad about stretching both before and after my workouts. If I were doing a HIIT workout, I would stretch beforehand. But if I were running, I would stretch after. It wasn’t until recently that I really began to appreciate the value of stretching both before and after my workouts. Stretching significantly reduces soreness and recovery time between workouts. This also helps to prevent injury. Reducing how sore you are after a workout will greatly affect how you perceive your workouts.
Drink a pre-workout supplement.
I love pre-workout drinks. Having worked out and trained both with pre-workout supplements and without, I can say they make a big difference in performance. If I’m feeling sluggish or low-energy, a pre-workout drink will definitely give me energy, endurance, better reaction time, and focus. This allows me to get the very best from my workout and maximize my potential. Feeling energized and focused will make your home workouts easier and have you feeling like you could slay the world. Personally, I only drink Energize from Beachbody. I have tried so many pre-workouts and Energize is one of the only natural, plant-based pre-work that tastes great without being overly sweet. Try it out and you’ll never go back. I recommend the fruit punch flavor!
Follow a modifier track if possible.
If you’re following a really good workout program then it should have a modifier option. Some of the best home workout programs out there, like Transform: 20 for example, have exclusive modifier tracks. This allows you to follow along with the modifier without being distracted by the speed and moves of the unmodified version. This is beyond helpful because it prevents comparison, improves confidence, removes distractions, and makes the workout more enjoyable. And the more enjoyable it is the more likely you are to continue to workout.
Have a really good playlist.
I know some people can listen to podcasts and audio books while working out but I am not one of those people. When I’m exercising I need an amazing playlist to get me through the tough parts. Having an energizing playlist that you love will make the workout fun and motivating. Here is my current fav workout playlist that will have you crushing your workout.
Press Pause.
It took me a very long time to realize the value of the pause button. I think part of the reason so many people struggle with home workouts is because they think they have to keep up with the trainer/cast. And if you’re new to home workouts this is the quickest way to burnout and quit. Make your home workouts easier and more fun by taking advantage of the pause button. It’s okay to pause your workout, to take a breath, a drink of water or simply to towel off. There is no one there policing your workout and demanding that you go at top pace or to finish the workout as quickly as possible. Listen to your body. Press the pause button when you need too.
Workout with a friend.
Having a workout buddy or an accountability partner can make a huge difference in how much you enjoy your workout. Here are 5 great reasons to exercise with a friend:
- Gets rid of boredom.
- Someone to push you to do your best.
- More likely to try something new.
- Shared goals.
- Someone to laugh and have fun with!
Drink a recovery supplement.
There is a critical post-workout window where you can maximize your recovery and minimize muscle soreness. It is during this time that drinking a Recovery drink can completely change how you feel after a workout and the following day. Again, I am a huge fan of Beachbody products so I drink Recover by Beachbody. Recover has been scientifically shown to :
• Speed muscle recovery
• Reduce muscle breakdown
• Improve adaptation to exercise
• Improve muscle strength recovery
• And more!
I highly recommend using Recover as a post-workout supplement.

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